Why i don't live in a farm? yet

terça-feira, janeiro 08, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments

The Greek island of old age

The inhabitants of a small Greek island live on average 10 years longer than the rest of western Europe. So what's the secret to long life in Ikaria?
It could be the fresh air and the friendly, easy-going, open-door lifestyle. It could be fresh vegetables and goat's milk.
It could be the mountainous terrain. Everywhere on Ikaria is up, or down, so getting around keeps you fit.
It could even be the natural radiation in the granite rocks. But Stamatis Moraitis thinks he knows what it is.
"It's the wine," he says, over a mid-morning glass at his kitchen table. "It's pure, nothing added. The wine they make commercially has preservatives. That's no good. But this wine we make ourselves is pure."
Stamatis celebrated his 98th birthday on New Year's Day. He says he's older, but his documents put his date of birth as 1 January 1915. Outside his whitewashed house are his beloved olive trees, his fruit trees, and his vines. He makes about 700 litres of wine a year, he says.

PS I think a lot about this kind of pieces. I have enough money to buy a small farm and live there with a small Vineyard, some trees, some vegetables and water. I could train mountain bike every morning and plenty of reading in the afternoon. Why don't i do it? Because the people i love don't live in small villages and because i like to travel and meet new people. Of course i will probably die earlier than these Greek people but i love to live near my kids & my friends and to change.

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