The end of a certain world

terça-feira, janeiro 15, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments

There is a real risk that we are not just at the end of extraordinary economic cycle but perhaps the end of an economic, business and even social model, crowded with speculative leverage and Ponzi schemes supported by Governments in the West. From the pension bomb and other welfare models, to unsustainable energy and utility models, there is a great fundamental weakness in the funding mechanism that supports our standards of living.

The Abaco Finantials Fund

PS I agree with this analysis, with the pension bomb (People were promised pensions that can not easily be financed) The way out is to say that you are not going to get what you were promised or to print the way out. If it's the later one day you will figure out that the paper money is worthless. I don't know how long we could carry on. The way to proceed is to let the markets tell the story and react ASAP.

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