It's better to live alongside rich people !

sexta-feira, outubro 25, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments

If a country grows there is a natural tendency for income polarization. The Owners of the Companies & the knowledge workers make substantial more money than people that have standardized jobs (Jobs that are thousands of people who do the same thing).

The Kuznet's Curve has the same idea with the following rational (From Wikipedia)

The Kuznets curve implies that as a nation undergoes industrialization – and especially the mechanization of agriculture – the center of the nation’s economy will shift to the cities. As capitalism causes a significant rural-urban inequality gap (the owners of firms would be profiting, while labourers from lagging industries and agriculture production would be losing income), rural populations are expected to decrease as urban populations increase, due to people migrating to cities in search of income. Inequality is then expected to decrease when a certain level of average income is reached and the processes of industrialization – democratization and the rise of the welfare state – allow for the trickle-down of the benefits from rapid growth, and increase the per capita income. This was Kuznets’ belief; that inequality would follow an inverted “U” shape as it rises and then falls again with the increase of income per capita.

I don't agree with the idea that as inequality decreases at all. My belief is this

For the whole group to get better some of the group will become much better. This is what i see. Every country that tried to promote egalitarian politics everybody get's worse in the end. Equal but hungry!

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