Team sports are the best to get a job!

segunda-feira, outubro 28, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments

How does participation in different types of sport affect the earnings and employment of the working-age population? 

Are these effects for the different types of sports heterogeneous with respect to genders and age?

These 2 Questions are answered in the following paper


.... the results indicate large positive associations of sports participation with earnings, which are largest for fitness and outdoor sports. Furthermore, there is a negative relation with unemployment, particularly for males, which goes together with higher employment rates for younger males and higher retirement rates for older males. Comparing the different sports against each other shows that participation in team sports is more associated with increased employability (but that this varies by age and gender) and that fitness and outdoor activities have higher associations with income.

This doesn't surprise me at all, why it's easier to get a job if you play team sports?

1.You are used to have a role in the team. You do your part, you wait for your time to act. This is Teamwork. (To play in an Orchestra is the same)
2.You are used to lose and next week it's another game! It is never the end...There is always the next game.
3.In a team there is a boss, in companies is the same
4.You make a lot's of friends (networking)
5.If you do serious sports you are used to get the best of your day, you study, you attend school and you train. People who do sports do more!
6.You get a course in Psychology while playing games.You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation. Plato.
7.You understand the power of effort and hard training  In sports you figure out that the person who works more usually wins.
8.You are healthier,  and companies like to hire healthy people.

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