Something Unique.....

segunda-feira, outubro 28, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments

Any company whose earnings are growing consistently – or more important, are likely to grow consistently – has something unique about it. The competition can read these earnings records too, and fat earnings records are an invitation to come in and steal the cream. So a company that has something unique about it has something the competition cannot latch onto right away. Whatever it is that is unique is a glass wall around those profit margins.
The Money Game, Adam Smith

Well the best way to make money is to have no competition. When you have competition you can't make serious money.  How to have barriers to entry or something Unique?

1.To be big. To be the nº1 in an Industry is a very good position to be in. Most clients want to know who sells more before they buy. Consolidate, buy your competitor if you can.

2.To have some cost advantage that the others don't have! Location, resources, it costs a lot to change providers.

3.To have a Brand. People trust your Brand and are willing to pay 5 for something that the competition sells for 2!

4.To have a regulation that prevents the entry of new players

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