Why I don't vote!

terça-feira, outubro 01, 2013 David Barradas 1 Comments

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.
― Benjamin Franklin

This phrase says it all, to take a vote has nothing to do with fairness. In Portugal all the political parties even the ones that claim to shrink the state/cut taxes/cut spending when they get into power they raise taxes and more taxes. We are the country with one of the biggest governments & bureaucracy. We have rules for everything (you can't drive your own car with Havaianas! there is a rule for that!!!!) 2 or 3 million people live directly or indirectly from the state. The state has borrowed and spent money from future generations.

What do do?

I don't vote because i can't make any difference and because there is no party that even considers shrinking the Government and lower the taxes & regulations.

I am not yet the well-armed lamb but i plan to be!

Why do i live in Portugal?

because we have sun, security, it's very cheap & i have a great job (Helping investor's to make money with money)

From the election statistics i can see that more & more people don't vote, i don't see people discussing politics in dinners. It looks like people are anesthetized with shock!

1 comentário:

  1. Caro Francisco,

    Concordo com as linhas gerais do comentário. No entanto, votar é um dever de todos nós. Se não se identifica com esta rapaziada, vote em branco, mas vote.

    Tal como no futebol, Portugal está cheio de "treinadores de bancada" na política. Duvido que grande parte deles cumpra o seu dever de votar. É o mínimo, para poderem opinar sobre o estado do País....

    Em relação às havaianas (ou chinelos em geral), não há nada no código da estrada que diga que é proibido conduzir de havaianas, ou até mesmo descalço. Nenhum polícia o pode multar por isso.

