We decide and then figure out a reason....
segunda-feira, dezembro 31, 2012
David Barradas
segunda-feira, dezembro 31, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
We are not thinking machines that feel; rather we are feeling machines that think
Praise desired behaviors instead of punishing...
domingo, dezembro 30, 2012
David Barradas
domingo, dezembro 30, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
"Regular exercise, even walking,” leads to more robust mental abilities
domingo, dezembro 30, 2012
David Barradas
The broad point of this new notion is that if physical activity helped to mold the structure of our brains, then it most likely remains essential to brain health today, says John D. Polk, an associate professor of anthropology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and co-author, with Dr. Raichlen, of the new article.domingo, dezembro 30, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
Pain in better faster than....
domingo, dezembro 30, 2012
David Barradas
domingo, dezembro 30, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
Most problems are the result of bad politics
domingo, dezembro 30, 2012
David Barradas
domingo, dezembro 30, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
Lazy but smart!
sábado, dezembro 29, 2012
David Barradas
Steven Cohen told The Wall Street Journal in 2006 that his mother, who died in 2005, thought he was “smart but lazy.” She viewed his younger brother, Donald Cohen, as the financial success of the family. He is now an accountant.sábado, dezembro 29, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
The purpose of life
sábado, dezembro 29, 2012
David Barradas
The purpose of life is a life of purpose. sábado, dezembro 29, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
Robert Byrne
Book Review
sábado, dezembro 29, 2012
David Barradas
sábado, dezembro 29, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
"Uncertainty" is a buy signal, not a sell signal
sexta-feira, dezembro 28, 2012
David Barradas
sexta-feira, dezembro 28, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
You will be Assimilated (From Star Trek)
quinta-feira, dezembro 27, 2012
David Barradas
quinta-feira, dezembro 27, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
Pratical Wisdom vs Bureaucracy
domingo, dezembro 23, 2012
David Barradas
Barry Schwartz says rules and incentives are an “insurance policy against disaster, but [they don't] produce excellence.” In the recent book, Practical Wisdom: The Right Way to Do the Right Thing, Schwartz and co-author Kenneth Sharpe, also a Swarthmore professor, say what is needed is not more bureaucracy. Instead, society needs the Aristotelian ideal that trumps all others — practical wisdom.domingo, dezembro 23, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
PS I am not sure rules & incentives are an insurance against disasters, perhaps they can avoid small mistakes but they can contribute to a big disasters. Once you follow the rules and stop thinking anything can happen.
My new book (and the first)
quinta-feira, dezembro 20, 2012
David Barradas
quinta-feira, dezembro 20, 2012 David Barradas 3 Comments
I just finish a book with a compilation of the first 10 years of Thought's of the Day. The book it's not for sale, i can't profit from it (in fact i am loosing a lot!). I am figuring out a way to send the book to all the interested without spending more money.
The idea is give the book to friends, family and Colleagues.
I designed the book to be a good read for my kids, i think it's better than an MBA.
The first thought of the book is:
The secret of success is constancy to purpose.
Benjamin Disraeli
quarta-feira, dezembro 19, 2012
David Barradas
quarta-feira, dezembro 19, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
quarta-feira, dezembro 19, 2012
David Barradas
quarta-feira, dezembro 19, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
– Bertrand Russell, "An Outline of Intellectual Rubbish"
terça-feira, dezembro 18, 2012
David Barradas
terça-feira, dezembro 18, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
Nec major in laude nec minor in vituperio
domingo, dezembro 16, 2012
David Barradas
Nec major in laude nec minor in vituperiodomingo, dezembro 16, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
Saint Augustine
domingo, dezembro 16, 2012
David Barradas
Estar, porém, perto de uma pessoa feliz nos torna felizes, o que, em última instância, é o objectivo primordial da vida de todos nós.domingo, dezembro 16, 2012 David Barradas 1 Comments
Eduardo Moreira, Encantadores de Vidas
My translation:
To be near a happy person makes you happy too, which is the purpose of our existence.
quinta-feira, dezembro 13, 2012
David Barradas
73 kg and 9,8% fatquinta-feira, dezembro 13, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
yesterday i wake in Geneva
I eat some muesli, coffee and berries as breakfast
drank only coffee on the plane back to Lisbon and eat some Almonds i had in my backpack
when i landed i came home and ate some black beans with Ratatouille
1 cereal bar at 6 pm
90 minutes low intensity Spinning class after 6.30 pm
For dinner i ate veggie soup and green salad
Today we will have a big windy rainy day in Lisbon
Tomorrow it's the Troia/Sagres road bike ride with 200 k, hope the weather holds!
Today i will carb load big time.( some fruit )
Nutrition after 2 weeks in Brazil
segunda-feira, dezembro 10, 2012
David Barradas
74,3 kg 9,8%fatsegunda-feira, dezembro 10, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
Just came from 2 weeks in Rio & São Paulo.
Despite being careful I put some kg's in the process. I landed with 75kg.
It's difficult do diet while staying in Hotels because i always eat too much sugar at breakfast.
I am back on diet.
yesterday i ate
Ratatouille & black beans for breakfast. yes you read it well, real food for breakfast!
Some Green tea
Eat some salad & one veggie soup for lunch
zero eating in the afternoon, just some more green tea
For dinner i had grilled fish with greens. I put some ISWARI Hemp seed's and Flaxseeds.
i slept well and waked early and fresh
Simple quant formulas beat human eye almost...
segunda-feira, dezembro 10, 2012
David Barradas
segunda-feira, dezembro 10, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
Investment, overcapacity & collapse
segunda-feira, dezembro 10, 2012
David Barradas
segunda-feira, dezembro 10, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
Good lessons from a good teacher
segunda-feira, dezembro 10, 2012
David Barradas
segunda-feira, dezembro 10, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
segunda-feira, dezembro 10, 2012
David Barradas
segunda-feira, dezembro 10, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
What makes a Company strong?
domingo, dezembro 09, 2012
David Barradas
What makes a company strong is not the product or the service. It's the position they own in the mind.domingo, dezembro 09, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
The strength of Hertz is in its leadership position, not the quality of it's rent-a-car service. It's easier to stay on top than to get there.
Can you name a company that has overturned a leader? Crest did it in toothpaste, thanks to the American Dental Association's seal of approval. Budweiser did it in beer and Marlboro did it in cigarettes. But it rarely happens.
A survey of 25 leading brands from the year 1923 proves this point. Today, 20 of those brands are still in first place.Four are in second place and one is in fifth place.
Even changes in rank don't happen very often. If marketing were a horse race, it would be deadly dull affair. In the 43 years since World War II, there has been only one change in position in the top three U.S. automobile companies.
From Bottom up Marketing, Al Ries & Jack Trout 1990
Bigger beats better most of the time
domingo, dezembro 09, 2012
David Barradas
domingo, dezembro 09, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
Competitive advantages based on economies of scale are in a class by themselves. They tend to be far longer lived than the other types and therefore more valuable. The best course is to establish dominance in a local market and then expand outward from it. Economies of scale, especially in local markets, are the key to creating sustainable competitive advantages.
The appropriate strategy is to identify niche markets, understanding that not all niches are equally attractive. Ideally, it will also be readily extendable at the edges. The key is to “think local"
Source: Bruce Greenwald and Judd Kahn, “Competition Demystified”
Sound business principles
domingo, dezembro 09, 2012
David Barradas
domingo, dezembro 09, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
3 rules to follow
domingo, dezembro 09, 2012
David Barradas
Earn all you can, give all you can, save all you candomingo, dezembro 09, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
― John Wesley
Life is pretty simple
terça-feira, novembro 27, 2012
David Barradas
terça-feira, novembro 27, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
terça-feira, novembro 27, 2012
David Barradas
71 kg, 9% fatterça-feira, novembro 27, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
Yeasterday i ate
lentils & a green salad for breakfast (it's weird but you feel strong but not full. Bread and milk is not a good breakfast for me anymore)
Put some Iswari Hemp seeds and some Flaxseeds on top of the lentils
At lunch after a class of Pilates i ate 1 veggie soup and 1 big Salad with Greens, some Beans, tomato and cucumber
at 5 pm i ate some Almonds and some more Hemp seeds
For dinner i ate Beans & ratatouille with some more seeds and lemos juice
Rooibos tea for desert
China stock's hit 3 year low!
terça-feira, novembro 27, 2012
David Barradas
terça-feira, novembro 27, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
If only......
segunda-feira, novembro 26, 2012
David Barradas
segunda-feira, novembro 26, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too:
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;
If you can dream---and not make dreams your master;
If you can think---and not make thoughts your aim,
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same:.
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build'em up with worn-out tools;
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings,
And never breathe a word about your loss:
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings---nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much:
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And---which is more---you'll be a Man, my son!
It's true
quinta-feira, novembro 22, 2012
David Barradas
quinta-feira, novembro 22, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
Better to be Bang & Olufsen than Sony
quinta-feira, novembro 22, 2012
David Barradas
quinta-feira, novembro 22, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
quarta-feira, novembro 21, 2012
David Barradas
71,6 kg, 11% fat and 20,6 BMIquarta-feira, novembro 21, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
yesterday was an ok diet day
I eat Lentils with a big Salad for breakfast with green tea
Eat some almonds at 11 am
Lunched in a Buffet
Eat some white beans with mushrooms cooked in a delirious sauce
the second time i went to the buffet i ate rucola salad and more mushrooms
1 glass of wine
1 muesli bar at 5 pm
No time to go to the gym
1 hour of Spinning in my Cyclops 3.0 at home, easy, easy
for dinner i ate Lentils with a big green salad with Lemonade (Green Salad with Mushrooms, Spinach, peppers, carrots, lettuce, red cabbage, mini tomatoes and Endives)
1 Rooibos tea before bed
not a lot of carbs, only the beans and lentils. The breakfast is strange because i eat real food. Today i am going to eat a bit of brown rice and fruit.
Nutrition for sports
quarta-feira, novembro 21, 2012
David Barradas
Today i am with 72,2 kg, 8,9% fat and 21 BMIquarta-feira, novembro 21, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
It's good to be back at 72 after 1 week travelling and eating outside.
I spent last week in NY. I tried to eat has much Veggan opitions as possible.
I ate at Chop's and Whole Foods. The other days i went to my favorite restaurants, Moustache Pizza, Café Mogador, etc... eating normal food always with red wine. Mostly salads and some pasta.
yesterday i ate
1 Salad with Lentils for breakfast with Green tea
Grilled fish with greens for lunch with red wine
1 cereal bar before going to gym
90 minutes spinning class where i burned 1200 calories
1 big vegetable soup with a bit of Chlorela from Iswari
1 Big salad with Hemp seed and Flaxseeds, dressing only lemon
Roibos tea after dinner
just do it
terça-feira, novembro 20, 2012
David Barradas
terça-feira, novembro 20, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
No more small booms and bust's!
terça-feira, novembro 20, 2012
David Barradas
terça-feira, novembro 20, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
From WSJ Learning to Love Volatility
PS The idea to regulate, to suppress volatility, to combat the business cycle and to bailout the losers is turning the world into a fragile system prone to a big fall. If we don’t allow for small failures one day we will get a big one. All of this is done in order to win the next election......I think democracy is not serving the people anymore.
Stay the course
terça-feira, novembro 20, 2012
David Barradas
terça-feira, novembro 20, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
Online teaching is the future
domingo, novembro 18, 2012
David Barradas
The best way to increase the quality of teaching is to increase the number of students taught by the best teachers. Online education leverages the power of the best teachers, allowing them to teach many more students.......domingo, novembro 18, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
Alex Tabarrok
Last year, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, an online course from Stanford taught by Peter Norvig and Sebastian Thrun, attracted 160,000 potential students, of whom 23,000 completed it, a scale that dwarfs anything possible on a physical campus. As Thrun put it, “Peter and I taught more students AI, than all AI professors in the world combined.” Seeing this, he quit and founded Udacity, an educational institution designed to offer MOOCs.
Clay Shirky
I believe online teaching is the future because:
2.You can repeat over an over
3.Quality, you can leverage the best teachers
4.You can still have practical classes, campus, homework, Sports but providing the best lectures available.
5.Thare are no sick days and bad lectures (the teacher is not feeling well)
How to solve all the problems! ( not all but...)
domingo, novembro 18, 2012
David Barradas
domingo, novembro 18, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
Never Outshine the master!
domingo, novembro 18, 2012
David Barradas
domingo, novembro 18, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
Always make those above you feel comfortably superior. In your desire to please or impress them, do not go too far in displaying your talents or you might accomplish the opposite – inspire fear and insecurity. Make your masters appear more brilliant than they are and you will attain the heights of power.
Everyone has insecurities. When you show yourself in the world and display your talents, you naturally stir up all kinds of resentment, envy, and other manifestations of insecurity…With those above you, however, you must take a different approach: When it comes to power, outshining the master is perhaps the worst mistake of all.
Diet day 71
quarta-feira, novembro 07, 2012
David Barradas
quarta-feira, novembro 07, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
To do what is right
quarta-feira, novembro 07, 2012
David Barradas
quarta-feira, novembro 07, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
Diet day 70
terça-feira, novembro 06, 2012
David Barradas
72,3 kg, 5,8% fat and 20,9 BMIterça-feira, novembro 06, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
I am not doing a hard core diet anymore, my target is to stay around 72 kg during the winter and try to go down to 70 kg before the race season starts in April. I think i figured out how to lose some weight without a big pain.
yesterday i ate
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
terça-feira, novembro 06, 2012
David Barradas
terça-feira, novembro 06, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
What my kids should study?
terça-feira, novembro 06, 2012
David Barradas
terça-feira, novembro 06, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
How to move forward
terça-feira, novembro 06, 2012
David Barradas
terça-feira, novembro 06, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
Marketing will be like sex
terça-feira, novembro 06, 2012
David Barradas
terça-feira, novembro 06, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments
We are still in a Bear Market
domingo, novembro 04, 2012
David Barradas
domingo, novembro 04, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments

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- We are still in a Bear Market
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