I am going to build a more egalitarian society

domingo, outubro 07, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments

"Portugal é dos países mais desiguais... Vamos mudar este estado de coisas... Uma sociedade com menores desigualdades é uma sociedade mais justa e também uma sociedade economicamente mais forte", Vitor Gaspar.

This a quote from the Finance Minister of Portugal, last week saying that there is a big diffence between the poor and the rich and he is going to change that with taxes. 

I didn't know the Government has this job, i thought that should be left to the people to compete. I thought Government should create the rules and make sure there are equal opportunities. But after the game is over to make everybody almost even the ones that did well with the ones that didn't it's not fair.

we are building a very unfair society by leveling everybody

if there are no winners no one will play the lottery

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