Buy local Organic or not

segunda-feira, agosto 31, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

Any health benefits from organic produce are teeny-tiny

The science available thus far says any additional nutritional benefits from organic produce, compared with conventional, are very small.

A 2009 meta-analysis said there was no nutrient difference in organic versus conventional. Since then, two larger meta-analyses have found slight differences, but ones that are probably too small to really matter. The 2012 study found slightly higher phosphorous levels in the organic produce, and a 2014 study found higher antioxidant levels and lower cadmium levels in organic foods.

But as Jeffrey Blumberg, a professor of nutrition at Tufts University told NPR, because there are so many variations within organic and conventional production systems, drawing overarching conclusions about their products isn’t really methodologically sound. And any differences in nutrition are relatively insignificant. Ultimately, if you want more nutrients, eat more vegetables, organic or not.

I already suspected this was a scam. Organic foods cost on average more  47% and have no significant benefit vs traditional.(In March, a Consumer Reports analysis found that, on average, the prices on organic foods were 47% higher than on their conventional counterparts.) 

On the environment it's clear that organic  has much less yields and  does much more harm to the planet.

Since the debate organic vs traditional it's a matter of religion i don't want to convince anyone of this. I just buy the cheapest veggies i can find. 

What i pay attention it's the origin of the fruit & veggies, it they came from overseas i know that they have to spend some time in the fridge and their taste is impaired.

So the only rule i try to use is : Buy the local produce Organic or Traditional, just try to control the time from harvest to the plate. Don't buy anything from far away it tastes nothing!

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Does Europe have the right to keep living the way we like?

sexta-feira, agosto 28, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

Everybody wants to live in Europe !

Do Europeans have the right to protect their way of living?

Do Europeans that have kept religion pretty much out of their minds for 50 years have to accept people that live & die by crazy religion beliefs.

Does Europe have the right to keep living the way we like?

In my country Portugal most of the immigration has come from Catholic countries, Brasil & Portuguese Africa so we don't have to stand people with competitively different habits. Even the Ukrainians that now live in Portugal are perfectly integrated (In fact they are welcomed they work a lot, speak little and are tall and blond)

I think we do have the right but we are not going to exercise the right because it's not politically correct

what does politically correct means?

agreeing with the idea that people should be careful to not use language or behave in a way that could offend a particular group of people

We don't want to offend the Muslims so we are going to accept them let them build Mosques in Europe, let them come to our countries and criticize our system and our way of life.

They don't want to live in their countries but when they came over they criticize and time to time some of their members (extremist/fundamental Muslimsdo something stupid because they are not happy with the way we live.***

I thought people with completely different cultures, religions and beliefs could live side by side. Today I am not so sure that is the case. Some people just hate us but unfortunately want to live here!

***There are crazy people from all origins , there is no lack of supply of crazy people but i do think that the Muslims have surpassed their quota of crazy people big time!

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If you can't buy BMW you buy a TATA

quarta-feira, agosto 26, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

Developed Markets went up 68% in the last 5 years. Emerging markets were down 6% in the same period.

This out performance is going to abate. No doubt DM products are much better but with devalued currencies EM will have a chance.

If you can't buy BMW you buy a TATA

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what is next?

quarta-feira, agosto 26, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

EM are devaluing their currencies,  Brazil, Turkey, China , Russia, etc....

They will buy less BMW & i Phones

This move will destroy a bit of demand for US, Europe & Japan Brands

We will have a cooling of the Developed Economies

Deflation is going to come back in Europe & US

Yields are going back to zero 

Stocks will be mixed but could go down a bit

Emigration will be a way out for people that live in countries that don't produce anything (Most of the world don't produce anything besides commodities) and that tourism is not an option.

EM equities under performance is going to end.

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terça-feira, agosto 25, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments


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They must be doing something right

terça-feira, agosto 25, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

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Always do the right thing

segunda-feira, agosto 24, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

From the FT, Lucy Kellaway

............who had just landed a new job and had to sign the company’s code of conduct. This read: “DO THE RIGHT THING, AT THE RIGHT TIME, WITHOUT FEARING THE RISKS.” That was it.
Even though the statement is unspecific, it is a big improvement on the usual interminable list of don’ts. Most codes of conduct are so long that the only intelligent thing for an employee to do is tick the box at the end without having read a word (thus disobeying the code before they’ve even started) and forget all about it. A single scary sentence in block capitals is an improvement as at least it conveys the general idea that wrongdoing is not the thing.

yes always do the right thing. It can cost you a bit in the short run but in the long run you will win.

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Design is Overrated

segunda-feira, agosto 24, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

This is a picture of the famous (In Portugal) Cozido our national dish. It costs 7 to 10 euros in a normal restaurant.

However if you go to the trendy TAVARES RICO you can pay up to euros 38 and you get this!

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with deflation doing nothing is good

segunda-feira, agosto 24, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

with deflation doing nothing is good! tomorrow everything is going to be cheaper

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Why the poor countries will probably never catch up with the rich

segunda-feira, agosto 24, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

Emerging Countries (EM) my country included don't produce anything that can be sold by the millions at a unit price of USD 94,500 ! All the good things that are going to be inverted, Cure for Cancer, a storage device for electricity (This will change the world) etc.... all of this is going to be invented in countries that spend millions & millions in R&D and those countries are not EM, Turkey, China, etc... The poor will remain poor by the simple reason they produce very cheap things.

From Bloomberg

Pharma Execs Don't Know Why Anyone Is Upset by a $94,500 Miracle Cure

The company selling a costly breakthrough to millions of hepatitis C sufferers thinks price is the wrong thing to talk about

Over the past 18 months, the emergence of Harvoni and its predecessor, Sovaldi, has given tens of millions of hepatitis C patients around the world hope that they can be permanently rid of a debilitating illness. Not since the introduction of HIV/AIDS drug cocktails almost two decades ago has the appearance of a therapy spurred such demand. Unlike drugs for HIV, which control infection and must be taken for the rest of a patient’s life, Harvoni and Sovaldi typically eliminate the virus they target and do so quickly. (Sovaldi is taken with interferon or a third drug; Harvoni combines Sovaldi with another Gilead compound into one pill and eliminates the need for interferon.)

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Myracle or just short term belt tightening

terça-feira, agosto 11, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

3G Capital’s Brands Lose Market Share Amid Focus on Costs

3G is doing something that make sense and it's easier. Cutting costs. If the PE of a great business is 25x each million of permanent cost cutting makes the market cap go up 25 million. They buy bloated companies and extract cost synergies of billions of USD.

I would do the same. With the share price going through the roof they can buy their competitors one after the other.

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They will buy less BMW's

terça-feira, agosto 11, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

From The Guardian

China devalued its currency in a surprise move aimed at boosting a flagging economy that has sent shockwaves through global markets and pushed European shares into retreat.

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It's better to be rich than....

terça-feira, agosto 11, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

From the Atlantic

An emerging body of research helps explain how the stress of poverty hampers the decision-making process. A study in Science last year found that poverty equates to a mental burden similar to losing 13 IQ points. Another study just published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that people who experienced economic uncertainty gave up on solving a difficult puzzle faster.
As Maria Konnikova wrote in the New York Times, living an unpredictable, erratic life can erode self-control: "If we’re not quite sure when the train will get there, why invest precious time in continuing to wait?"
Often, low-income people aren't sure what tomorrow will bring. So why waste time trying to diet?

When you don't have bread you don't invest in yourself ! My advice is don't spend money, save and keep a big amount of money on the side. Give but always keep something on the side. This money allows you to be able to think. If you don't have money you will just try to survive the next day.

NO Money = No Thinking

If you know how to spend less than you get, you have the philosopher's stone.

Never spend your money before you have earned it.
Thomas Jefferson 

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Rich People Exercise, Poor People Take Diet Pills !

terça-feira, agosto 11, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

From the Economist,

IN A darkened room at the edge of downtown Washington, DC, electronic music pulses over the speakers as a crowd of mostly sweaty young women bop up and down. Candles burn at the front and inspirational slogans cover the walls. Sadly, this is not a drug-fuelled rave, but rather a mid-afternoon spin class. It is run by Soul Cycle, which promotes the idea that riding an exercise bike to loud music is akin to entering a “soul sanctuary”. The experience, which also involves awkwardly lifting weights while cycling, costs about $35 for 45 minutes. This does not deter its well-heeled customers: “Some of the women pay a lot of money to go here”, says a staff member, her eyebrows raised.

From the Atlantic,

One reason for the disparity might have to do with the tactics they used to try to shed pounds: Compared to adults making $75,000 or more, those making less than $20,000 were 50 percent less likely to exercise, 42 percent less likely to drink a lot of water, and 25 percent less likely to eat less fat and sweets. And adults making between $20,000 and $75,000 were about 50 percent more likely to use over-the-counter diet pills, which aren't proven to work.

In the past the rich were fat but today the rich are skinny and look like poor. It's trendy to be skinny and even better to be in shape. 
of course the poor have more problems to deal than to invest in their looks. but it's very wrong.

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when you already spent the money that you are going to earn in the future!

terça-feira, agosto 11, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

I guess it's difficult to see a bright future for countries that already brought consumption from the future! It's depressing.

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I am going to build a Nuclear reactor in my Garden !

terça-feira, agosto 11, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

Nuclear is Back, Nuclear is the future

Nuclear is the future by the simple reason that the countries that embrace Nuclear will surpass all the others because nuclear is cheaper & cleaner. I will build a nuclear rector in my garden in the future and sell energy to my neighbors!

People , companies & countries that embrace science & probabilities will to well , people who believe in myths tradition will be bankrupt. Nuclear is a GOD'S GIFT WE SHOULD USE IT. I don't care if the other countries don't use it i intend to use it.

Firstly let us get something clear. There was no Fukushima nuclear disaster. Total number of people killed by nuclear radiation at Fukushima was zero. Total injured by radiation was zero. Total private property damaged by radiation….zero. There was no nuclear disaster. What there was, was a major media feeding frenzy fueled by the rather remote possibility that there may have been a major radiation leak. At the time, there was media frenzy that “reactors at Fukushima may suffer a core meltdown.” Dire warnings were issued. Well the reactors did suffer a core meltdown. What happened? Nothing. 

Certainly from the ‘disaster’ perspective there was a financial disaster for the owners of the Fukushima plant. The plant overheated, suffered a core meltdown, and is now out of commission for ever. A financial disaster, but no nuclear disaster. Amazingly the thousands of people killed by the tsunami in the neighboring areas who were in shops, offices, schools, at the airport, in the harbor and elsewhere are essentially ignored while there is this strange continuing phobia about warning people of ‘the dangers of Fukushima.’ -

From the FT, Today

Japan is set to re-enter the ranks of nations producing nuclear power on Tuesday after a two-year hiatus that has heightened its reliance on imported energy and sent electricity prices soaring.
The restarting of the 31-year-old number one reactor at the Sendai nuclear plant in southern Japan’s Kyushu island is the first to take place under a safety regime drawn up in the aftermath of the 2011 disaster in Fukushima, the world’s worst nuclear accident since the 1986 meltdown in Chernobyl.

Since 2011, all of Japan’s 43 operable reactors have been kept offline for repairs and checks as the government and nuclear industry battle to establish safety rules that reflect the risks of generating nuclear power in the most seismically active country on earth.

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YES the FED is not going to raise rates in September

sexta-feira, agosto 07, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

All my indicators show that the world is cooling a bit.


US Economy: Not on Fire 

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What can you do for your kids?

quinta-feira, agosto 06, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

1.Move to a better neighborhood

2.Try to prevent your kids to get along with the wrong friends. They will be very much influenced by their peers and not by their parents.

3.Give your baby ample physical & emotional attention. Show that you Love them from the start. 

Me and my youngest boy, now 9 months old.

What appears to matter—a lot—is environment, and that’s something that can be controlled. For example, one study out of Harvard found that moving poor families into better neighborhoods greatly increased the chances that children would escape poverty when they grew up.

Parents who heap attention on their children and spend hours teaching them the difference between right and wrong have only a small effect on their long-term development, according to a leading psychologist.
The need to survive at school and mix with friends has a more significant impact on a child's behaviour than lessons learned in the home, it is claimed.
Judith Rich Harris, an American psychologist, says that a child who grows up in a disciplined household is just as likely to turn into a tearaway as those raised in chaotic homes, if they mix with unruly classmates at a young age.

We have known for a long time that skin-to-skin contact with babies is important for their development. In what ways does it help them?
Particularly in the newborn period, it helps calm babies: they cry less and it helps them sleep better. There are some studies that show their brain development is facilitated—probably because they are calmer and sleep better.

More about the same subject:

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Best selling auto brands in Europe in 2014

quarta-feira, agosto 05, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

My view is that in the future VW will dominate all the countries! 

Big get Bigger

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How to be Happy

terça-feira, agosto 04, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

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Biggest business oportunity in the world

terça-feira, agosto 04, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

All evils are caused by insufficient knowledge

David Deutsch's 'Principle of Optimism' in The Beginning of Infinity

Ebola breakthrough as new drug cures all monkeys in trial

The experimental drug ZMapp has cured all monkeys infected with Ebola in a new clinical trial, leading to hope that a treatment for the disease has finally been found Now a new study has found that 18 rhesus monkeys which were infected with the disease, made a complete recovery after being given ZMapp. Three animals which were untreated became seriously ill and died.

Who did this? Public Health agency in Canada, Merck & New Link Genetics.

Nothing worth being invented is going to be discovered in EM why? because these day you don't need 20 people in white to discover anything, you need thousands with computers , etc.... That kind of money is only available in the Developed world. The first tier DM.

what kind of money does a vaccine that cures is worth? to me a lot of money!

If you are not a scientist what could you do? there is a growing business opportunity in the world. Keeping millions of people busy. Many people that are not in the discovery of the future have less and less to do.

theme parks

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Back to basics

terça-feira, agosto 04, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

Source: ‏Susanna Conway

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How to destroy a country in 6 months!

terça-feira, agosto 04, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

Pure people usually cause much harm to those around them!

Mr Varoufakis will teach a new course on how to destroy a country in 6 months

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The only think you must know to do well in life!

segunda-feira, agosto 03, 2015 David Barradas 1 Comments

I am like any other man. All I do is supply a demand.

Be different and unique if you want to escape supply & Demand. If you are a commodity you will have a life of hardships unless as in the piece below you have something going for you!

Supply vs Demand

In my considered opinion, salary is payment for goods delivered and it must conform to the law of supply and demand. If, therefore, the fixed salary is a violation of this law - as, for instance, when I see two engineers leaving college together and both equally well trained and efficient, and one getting forty thousand while the other only earns two thousand , or when lawyers and hussars, possessing no special qualifications, are appointed directors of banks with huge salaries - I can only conclude that their salaries are not fixed according to the law of supply and demand but simply by personal influence. And this is an abuse important in itself and having a deleterious effect on government service.”
Leo Tolstoy,
Anna Karenina

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