Does Europe have the right to keep living the way we like?

sexta-feira, agosto 28, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

Everybody wants to live in Europe !

Do Europeans have the right to protect their way of living?

Do Europeans that have kept religion pretty much out of their minds for 50 years have to accept people that live & die by crazy religion beliefs.

Does Europe have the right to keep living the way we like?

In my country Portugal most of the immigration has come from Catholic countries, Brasil & Portuguese Africa so we don't have to stand people with competitively different habits. Even the Ukrainians that now live in Portugal are perfectly integrated (In fact they are welcomed they work a lot, speak little and are tall and blond)

I think we do have the right but we are not going to exercise the right because it's not politically correct

what does politically correct means?

agreeing with the idea that people should be careful to not use language or behave in a way that could offend a particular group of people

We don't want to offend the Muslims so we are going to accept them let them build Mosques in Europe, let them come to our countries and criticize our system and our way of life.

They don't want to live in their countries but when they came over they criticize and time to time some of their members (extremist/fundamental Muslimsdo something stupid because they are not happy with the way we live.***

I thought people with completely different cultures, religions and beliefs could live side by side. Today I am not so sure that is the case. Some people just hate us but unfortunately want to live here!

***There are crazy people from all origins , there is no lack of supply of crazy people but i do think that the Muslims have surpassed their quota of crazy people big time!

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