Rich People Exercise, Poor People Take Diet Pills !

terça-feira, agosto 11, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

From the Economist,

IN A darkened room at the edge of downtown Washington, DC, electronic music pulses over the speakers as a crowd of mostly sweaty young women bop up and down. Candles burn at the front and inspirational slogans cover the walls. Sadly, this is not a drug-fuelled rave, but rather a mid-afternoon spin class. It is run by Soul Cycle, which promotes the idea that riding an exercise bike to loud music is akin to entering a “soul sanctuary”. The experience, which also involves awkwardly lifting weights while cycling, costs about $35 for 45 minutes. This does not deter its well-heeled customers: “Some of the women pay a lot of money to go here”, says a staff member, her eyebrows raised.

From the Atlantic,

One reason for the disparity might have to do with the tactics they used to try to shed pounds: Compared to adults making $75,000 or more, those making less than $20,000 were 50 percent less likely to exercise, 42 percent less likely to drink a lot of water, and 25 percent less likely to eat less fat and sweets. And adults making between $20,000 and $75,000 were about 50 percent more likely to use over-the-counter diet pills, which aren't proven to work.

In the past the rich were fat but today the rich are skinny and look like poor. It's trendy to be skinny and even better to be in shape. 
of course the poor have more problems to deal than to invest in their looks. but it's very wrong.

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