What can you do for your kids?

quinta-feira, agosto 06, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

1.Move to a better neighborhood

2.Try to prevent your kids to get along with the wrong friends. They will be very much influenced by their peers and not by their parents.

3.Give your baby ample physical & emotional attention. Show that you Love them from the start. 

Me and my youngest boy, now 9 months old.

What appears to matter—a lot—is environment, and that’s something that can be controlled. For example, one study out of Harvard found that moving poor families into better neighborhoods greatly increased the chances that children would escape poverty when they grew up.


Parents who heap attention on their children and spend hours teaching them the difference between right and wrong have only a small effect on their long-term development, according to a leading psychologist.
The need to survive at school and mix with friends has a more significant impact on a child's behaviour than lessons learned in the home, it is claimed.
Judith Rich Harris, an American psychologist, says that a child who grows up in a disciplined household is just as likely to turn into a tearaway as those raised in chaotic homes, if they mix with unruly classmates at a young age.


We have known for a long time that skin-to-skin contact with babies is important for their development. In what ways does it help them?
Particularly in the newborn period, it helps calm babies: they cry less and it helps them sleep better. There are some studies that show their brain development is facilitated—probably because they are calmer and sleep better.


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