Buy local Organic or not

segunda-feira, agosto 31, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

Any health benefits from organic produce are teeny-tiny

The science available thus far says any additional nutritional benefits from organic produce, compared with conventional, are very small.

A 2009 meta-analysis said there was no nutrient difference in organic versus conventional. Since then, two larger meta-analyses have found slight differences, but ones that are probably too small to really matter. The 2012 study found slightly higher phosphorous levels in the organic produce, and a 2014 study found higher antioxidant levels and lower cadmium levels in organic foods.

But as Jeffrey Blumberg, a professor of nutrition at Tufts University told NPR, because there are so many variations within organic and conventional production systems, drawing overarching conclusions about their products isn’t really methodologically sound. And any differences in nutrition are relatively insignificant. Ultimately, if you want more nutrients, eat more vegetables, organic or not.

I already suspected this was a scam. Organic foods cost on average more  47% and have no significant benefit vs traditional.(In March, a Consumer Reports analysis found that, on average, the prices on organic foods were 47% higher than on their conventional counterparts.) 

On the environment it's clear that organic  has much less yields and  does much more harm to the planet.

Since the debate organic vs traditional it's a matter of religion i don't want to convince anyone of this. I just buy the cheapest veggies i can find. 

What i pay attention it's the origin of the fruit & veggies, it they came from overseas i know that they have to spend some time in the fridge and their taste is impaired.

So the only rule i try to use is : Buy the local produce Organic or Traditional, just try to control the time from harvest to the plate. Don't buy anything from far away it tastes nothing!

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