I am going to build a Nuclear reactor in my Garden !

terça-feira, agosto 11, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

Nuclear is Back, Nuclear is the future

Nuclear is the future by the simple reason that the countries that embrace Nuclear will surpass all the others because nuclear is cheaper & cleaner. I will build a nuclear rector in my garden in the future and sell energy to my neighbors!

People , companies & countries that embrace science & probabilities will to well , people who believe in myths tradition will be bankrupt. Nuclear is a GOD'S GIFT WE SHOULD USE IT. I don't care if the other countries don't use it i intend to use it.

Firstly let us get something clear. There was no Fukushima nuclear disaster. Total number of people killed by nuclear radiation at Fukushima was zero. Total injured by radiation was zero. Total private property damaged by radiation….zero. There was no nuclear disaster. What there was, was a major media feeding frenzy fueled by the rather remote possibility that there may have been a major radiation leak. At the time, there was media frenzy that “reactors at Fukushima may suffer a core meltdown.” Dire warnings were issued. Well the reactors did suffer a core meltdown. What happened? Nothing. 

Certainly from the ‘disaster’ perspective there was a financial disaster for the owners of the Fukushima plant. The plant overheated, suffered a core meltdown, and is now out of commission for ever. A financial disaster, but no nuclear disaster. Amazingly the thousands of people killed by the tsunami in the neighboring areas who were in shops, offices, schools, at the airport, in the harbor and elsewhere are essentially ignored while there is this strange continuing phobia about warning people of ‘the dangers of Fukushima.’ - 


From the FT, Today

Japan is set to re-enter the ranks of nations producing nuclear power on Tuesday after a two-year hiatus that has heightened its reliance on imported energy and sent electricity prices soaring.
The restarting of the 31-year-old number one reactor at the Sendai nuclear plant in southern Japan’s Kyushu island is the first to take place under a safety regime drawn up in the aftermath of the 2011 disaster in Fukushima, the world’s worst nuclear accident since the 1986 meltdown in Chernobyl.

Since 2011, all of Japan’s 43 operable reactors have been kept offline for repairs and checks as the government and nuclear industry battle to establish safety rules that reflect the risks of generating nuclear power in the most seismically active country on earth.

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