Allways Summer

segunda-feira, setembro 03, 2012 David Barradas 1 Comments

This innate fear of falling, common to all human beings, may go some way towards explaining the obsession the world seems to have with preventing recessions and avoiding deflation. Recessions are always seen as a bad thing for the economy and, since the days when Alan Greenspan’s bony fingers were wrapped around the Federal Reserve’s monetary levers, there has been a war waged on the downward half of the business cycle in an attempt to literally abolish it as though that were a) possible or b) desirable.
Just as a world filled with only sunshine would eventually be uninhabitable or a forest without the occasional fire would ultimately stifle itself, the business cycle needs the occasional bust to counteract the booms that cause overheating and excess. That’s just the way it is I’m afraid. We may not like it. We may be afraid of falling, but nature need take its course.

Grant Williams
Things That Make You Go Hmmm.....

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