As we age there is less latitude for mistakes

quarta-feira, setembro 05, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments

When younger one can make more mistakes in lifestyle and training without significant negative consequences for performance. As we age there is less latitude for mistakes. For example, temporarily cutting back on training only exacerbates the problems when the aging athlete once again trains seriously. When younger the same athlete may well have bounced back quickly from a break in training. So one example of a critical issue as we get older is training consistency.
For the aging athlete training and lifestyle must adapt. Something has to change to maintain or even improve performance. My experiences as a coach and as an athlete in my seventh decade of life tell me that the focus for the aging athlete must be in four areas:
• Workout intensity.
• Strength training
• Sleep
• Nutrition

Joe Friel

Ps Now if i drink a lot of wine next day i can't train properly. So i control my drinking and the food i put in the system. Some year's ago i could be at a wedding until 5 am and came back to Lisbon (220 km) at 6 am without sleep. Not anymore i think.

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