Romney 47% comment is on the spot

quarta-feira, setembro 19, 2012 David Barradas 2 Comments

I believe Romney 47% comment on the spot. There are so many people that pay zero taxes that they will always vote for big Government. A lot of people are just free riders and they love socialism. The only way out is for people who have enough to retire and go live in a farm the way the great novel Atlas Shrugged.

The book explores a dogmatic dystopian United States where many of society's most productive citizens refuse to be exploited by increasing taxation and government regulations and go on strike. The refusal evokes the imagery of what would happen if the mythological Atlas refused to continue to hold up the world. They are led by John Galt. Galt describes the strike as "stopping the motor of the world" by withdrawing the minds that drive society's growth and productivity. In their efforts, these people "of the mind" hope to demonstrate that a world in which the individual is not free to create is doomed, that civilization cannot exist where every person is a slave to society and government, and that the destruction of the profit motive leads to the collapse of society. The protagonist, Dagny Taggart, sees society collapse around her as the government increasingly asserts control over all industry. (From Wikepedia)

2 comentários:

  1. Those who have nothing will scream "lets divide everything", those who have plenty will scream "lets keep what we have". They are both selfish. What we have to see is that luck plays a great roll in determine where you start in life, the family where you were born, the country and city where you where born, the time when you were born. If you strip "effort" we should try to give everyone the same opportunities to thrive, and that's what we are trying to create with government. There are no perfect solutions.

  2. We have build the system for everybody the ones that took advantage of it and the others who didn't.
